Use "peacekeeper|peacekeepers" in a sentence

1. The Peacekeeper, huh?

2. Looks pretty anemic compared to the Peacekeeper.

3. President Stone has brought forward the unveiling of the Peacekeeper.

4. After Tithus’s death, Balder became the peacekeeper among the gods

5. Peacekeepers forced us back into our homes.

6. We're gonna have to use the Peacekeeper to get the Blue Core back.

7. Contingent report on sexual exploitation and abuse by a peacekeeper at MINUSCA

8. I want the Blue Core removed and transferred into the Peacekeeper now.

9. Peacekeepers must be shelling the rebels outside the city.

10. It's Reaping Day, the place is crawling with Peacekeepers.

11. Absolute priority should be given to the safety of peacekeepers.

12. International peacekeepers are trying to restore order in East Timor.

13. Later that month, United Nations peacekeepers were deployed to the country.

14. Ann : There's a live telecast of the homecoming ceremony for peacekeepers now.

15. East Timor and Somalia : Two Different Nations , Two Different Reactions to Peacekeepers.

16. 18 The peacekeepers are trained to defuse potentially explosive situations.

17. It is likely that we'll encounter both active Pods and peacekeepers.

18. The UN has given us this great honor, to serve as peacekeepers.

19. Cray was the Head Peacekeeper of District 12 before he was replaced by Romulus Thread

20. Moreover, the safety and security of peacekeepers should continue to be an absolute priority.

21. The ADF has also participated in attacks against MONUSCO peacekeepers (UNSCR paragraph 4 (i)).

22. Such actions only raise additional tensions and threaten the security of United Nations peacekeepers.

23. All peacekeepers must abide by the same code of conduct, based on the principle of zero tolerance.

24. All peacekeepers must abide by the same code of conduct, based on the principle of zero tolerance

25. For several years, the United Nations has been sending out military personnel under its command as ‘peacekeepers’.

26. It is unfortunate for my beloved country that the United Nations peacekeepers have now become aggressors.

27. Armenia Calls for Peacekeepers as Azeri Forces Near Key City Sara Khojoyan and Zulfugar Agayev 10/30/2020

28. “The Sudanese government should stop the denials and immediately give peacekeepers and international investigators access to Tabit.”

29. Meanwhile, the Bosnian Muslims revile them ( peacekeepers ) for standing by when women and children are shot.

30. There are many synonyms of Appeaser which include Arbitrator, Conciliator, Diplomat, Mediator, Negotiator, Pacifier, Pacifist, Statesperson, Peacekeeper, Pacificator, Peacemonger, Placater, etc.

31. Both the army and UN peacekeepers have been patrolling Abidjan 's streets since Sunday to prevent an outbreak of violence

32. We feel that the UN Security Council cannot stand aloof when it concerns the lives of international peacekeepers.

33. China Public Security License: "China People's Liberation Army and local militia" Peacekeepers, responsible for accounting oversight and financial audit.

34. Today's peacekeepers are called upon not only to maintain peace and security, but also address a range of complex challenges.

35. Today’s peacekeepers are called upon not only to maintain peace and security, but also address a range of complex challenges.

36. Frankly, we should not have to depend on renting aircraft from other people in order to airlift peacekeepers around the world.

37. Russian troops have been withdrawn; a part of the Russian peacekeepers remain in the security zone abutting South Ossetia in accordance with this plan.

38. 13 hours ago · Multiple Jihadi Insurgencies, Cooperating With Bandits, Appear to be Converging in the Sahel UN peacekeepers jump from vehicles at the MINUSMA …

39. Of the five conflict styles, Accommodating or harmonizing, is viewed as the "peacekeeper" mode as it focuses more on preserving relationships than on achieving a personal goal or result

40. May 23: Egypt blocks the Straits of Tiran, then expels UN peacekeepers and moves its army into the Sinai Peninsula in preparation for possible attack on Israel.

41. When the incidents were reported to the then-UN secretary-general Boutros Boutros-Ghali, he sent a personal appeal to Khieu Samphan to let peacekeepers conduct demobilisation.

42. Although no official figures exist for Bosniaks who have fled the province, an estimated 7,500 escaped during NATO's 78-day air war, and 12,500 more fled after peacekeepers arrived.

43. The movement effectively ceased to function in 1992, when the last group of 407 FULRO fighters and their families handed in their weapons to United Nations peacekeepers in Cambodia.

44. From 2002 to 2005, an international program led by the United Nations, manned by civilian advisers, 5,000 peacekeepers (8,000 at peak) and 1,300 police officers, substantially reconstructed the infrastructure.

45. On 22 August 2006, Senator Richard Lugar, then visiting Georgia's capital Tbilisi, joined Georgian politicians in criticism of the Russian peacekeeping mission, stating that "the U.S. administration supports the Georgian government’s insistence on the withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers from the conflict zones in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali district".

46. And while we in the international community continue to raise the bar of performance that we demand from our (UN) peacekeepers, we also seem to be flagging in our commitment, and our duty, to provide them with adequate resources to fulfill their ever more ambitious mandates.